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Patient with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and ulcus cruris on the front right lower leg.

Patient with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and ulcus cruris on the front right lower leg. Before Tecasorb therapy was induced, the patient used another material without significant effect

  1. Previously applied bandages and dressing materials are removed
  2. The defect is cleansed with a cleansing solution, in extensive defects covered with debris it is possible to use a shower first and then proceed with the cleansing solution.
  3. The adjacent skin is covered with a thin layer of indifferent ointment (in this case camphor ointment)
  4. Tecasorb dressing is applied
  5. Hydrophilic bandage is applied

In patients with varices and chronic venous insufficiency compression bandage is always applied at the end. In this case a different technique of applying compression bandage was used compared with Video 2. The patient may also use compression stockings.


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