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Patient with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and ulcus cruris on front left lower leg

  1. Previously applied bandages and dressing materials are removed
  2. Defects are covered with a gauze pad and the cleansing solution is sprayed on top
  3. The gauze pad is left in the wound for about 5 to 10 minutes
  4. Adjacent skin is covered with a thin layer of indifferent ointment (in this case camphor ointment)
  5. Tecasorb dressing is applied
  6. In case of suspected infection a sterile swab is taken from the defect to perform a microbiologic examination – as demonstrated on a minor defect
  7. The adjacent skin is covered with a thin layer of indifferent ointment (in this case zinc ointment)
  8. Tecasorb dressing is applied
  9. Hydrophilic bandage is applied

In patients with varices and chronic venous insufficiency compression bandage is always applied at the end, starting at the toes and continuing at the heel and ankle towards the calf. Two bandages are normally used on the calf. The patient may also use compression stockings.


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