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Tecasorb sterile compression

Tecasorb sterile compression

Product : Compression of nonwoven fabric with an active carbon layer and a gauze padding of 10 x 9 cm, packaged in an aluminum foil and sterilized by cobalt irradiation.

Application : Used to stop bleeding and as a natural bacterial protection, especially with infected wounds, leg ulcers, bedsores and similar problems. It cleans wounds effectively and reduces pain.

Material : A nonwoven fabric of viscose and polypropylene, carbon fabric, gauze.

Comment : Supplied in boxes of 10 pieces in cardboard boxes of 1,000 pieces.

More information about activated carbon

Did you know that primitive forms of active charcoal have always been used for cleaning wounds? Did you know that different forms of active charcoal are used in filters, in medicine and in sorbents during  soil decontamination?

Tecasorb application instruction videos

There are 6 instruction videos recorded to demonstrate the management of skin defects – lower leg ulcerations of varying aetiology. In order to show how Tecasorb is used, we have on purpose avoided filming extensive ulcerations, since such wounds usually cause very unpleasant sensations in lay persons.

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